Previous Evaluation Projects

Primary Health Care Strategy Evaluation
CBG piloted a real-time feedback initiative for the Health and Disability Commissioner. The pilot involved developing and implementing an electronic real-time system that captured feedback from people interacting with mental health and addiction services in a variety of settings across Auckland. Additionally, a flexible and accessible reporting system that provides multi-layered reports for all levels of staff in organisational and national settings was developed to disseminate the results.

Primary Health Care Strategy Evaluation
A joint project with the Health Services Research Centre at Victoria University, funded by the HRC, Ministry of Health and ACC. This is a complex evaluation using a wide range of data sources and analysis techniques to describe the impact of the PHCS. Findings available here. 

Improving Access to Services for Vulnerable Populations
An HRC funded research project examining nursing outreach and "practice friendliness" interventions in a variety of contexts. Findings available here.

Māori Provider Development Scheme
An evaluation of the MPDS, involving visits and interviews with over 100 organisations, and the development of CBG's Māori Provider Capacity Assessment Tool. More information on the Māori Provider Development Scheme can be found on the Ministry of Health website.

B4 School Pilot Programme
An evaluation of the Wanganui and Counties Manukau pilots of this important programme, which provides a free health and development check delivered to four year old children. More information on the B4 School Check can be found on the Ministry of Health website.

Wave Report
Position paper on the state of primary care IT infrastructure. Findings available here.

Reducing Inequalities Contingency Fund Projects
An evaluation of 35 different projects around the country that received targeted funding to improve access to primary care.Findings available here.

Pacific Provider Development Fund
An evaluation of the impact of the PPDF, including development and validation of a Pacific Provider Capacity Assessment Tool - implemented as a web tool for general availability.

ACC Trauma Management
An evaluation of a system for evaluating and triaging trauma patients to regional centres.

Hep B Screening Programme
CBG evaluated the programme and developed reporting systems for quarterly monitoring.

Counties Manukau DHB Integrated Care Projects
Thirty-five projects evaluated in collaboration with Auckland University. Findings available here
Healthy Housing Evaluation - what was the impact of this programme on GP and secondary care utilisation?

Counties Manukau DHB CCM Reporting Software
Design, development and implementation of VBA / SQL Server application to produce customised reports for practices in the Chronic Care Management programme. 

Hutt Valley DHB Quality Payments Programme
Do quality payments improve quality of care and what do clinicians think about them?

Intensive Home Visiting
An evaluation of this trial of home visiting in Tokoroa and Mangere. Multiple data sources examined from GPs, schools, police and social services.